Trailridge Middle School, Shawnee Mission School District USD 512
Miss Z's Music
Choir at Trailridge Middle School
Happening In
Choir world
Calendar for Rehearsals, Concerts, and other important school dates!
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Raise Your Voice - Cancelled this year :(
Cancelled this year
Middle school and high school tenor and basses come together in a huge and very epic performance. Choir directors from all five high schools come to direct this giant group to celebrate men and tenor bass voices in choir!
All songs are learned THE DAY no prep work necessary. Just Sign up, show up and have fun!
This is an elective event open to Tenors and Basses, Ms. Z will provide more information on registering!
Trailridge Fall Concert
October 6th
Call time: 5:30
Doors open: 6:50
Performance: 7pm
TR Auxliliary Gym
This is our annual fall concert held in Trailridge's auxiliary gym stage. We perform a variety of music styles in different languages from different cultures.
All choirs perform, this is a required event.
Shawnee Misson Northwest Area Festival
November 2nd
Call Time: tbd
Performance: tbd
This concert is a celebration of all choir students in the northwest area! Choirs from all five feeding elementary schools perform songs with Ms. Z, while Trailridge Choirs get to sing under Mrs. Banion, the high school choir director. For the finale both Ms. Z and Mrs. Banion co-conduct a massive choir of all elementary, middle and high school choir students for a fantastic concert closer!
This concert includes a during the day field trip to Northwest for rehearsal as well as an evening performance at SMNW auditorium.
All choirs perform, this is a required event.
Elementary Tour
November 15th and November 16th
Daytime Field Trip
NW Elementaries
What better way to get in the holiday spirit than to sing to the elementary students! This is an all day field trip event where we travel to all five elementary schools singing some of our favorite pieces. Wildcat Choir does not participate (they get to do this once they are classy cats!) :)
KMEA East Central Honor Choir (ECKMEA)
December 2nd
Time 7:30am-12:30pm
A limited number of students are selected by Ms. Z to be a part of this honor choir (a huge deal!) Students will practice and prepare the music on their own and then meet with honor choir students from all over the East Central district. This not only includes Shawnee Mission area students but from neighboring districts in Johnson, Miami, Franklin and Osage counties.
This event is not required, students are elected by Ms. Z
Crown Center Performance
Event date will be confirmed in September, we will be requesting December 18th
Crown Center in Kansas City opens their doors for a fabulous performance! While we are there students will all get to go Ice Skating. We break out into small groups led by parent volunteers. Speaking of which... if you are interested in volunteering please head over to the "Get Involved" Page and look into becoming an "MVP"
FYI: Crown Center does not confirm performance dates until around September. I will update you on dates/times via email once I get confirmation
Trailridge Winter Concert
December 14th
Call time 5:30
Doors Open 6:50
Performance 7pm
This is our annual winter concert held in Trailridge's auxiliary gym stage. We perform a variety of music styles in different languages from different cultures.
Be sure to bring your singing voice for the audience sing-a-long!
All choirs perform, this is a required event.
Wildcat Welcome
January 23rd
(More details coming)
Trailridge MPR
This short performance is geared towards the incoming 6th graders to show off our stuff and build the program!
The format of this event has changed every year so as of now the choir/s that will perform is TBD, but it will likely just be the classy cats.
KMEA/KCDA Honor Choirs
Honor Choir Concert:
Feb. 23rd at Century II Center in Witchita, KS
Please go to Honor Choir page for additional dates
These are optional events that students may choose to audition for
These are two different statewide honor choirs that are available for students to audition for.
Please head over to the Honor Choir Page for more information.
Trailridge Spring Concert
February 28th
Call Time 5:30
Doors Open: 6:50
Performance: 7pm
This is our annual Spring concert held in Trailridge's auxiliary gym stage. We perform a variety of music styles in different languages from different cultures.
All choirs perform, this is a required event.
SMSD Middle School Choral Festival
March 20th (Clinic)
March 21st (Concert)
Time TBD
Location TBD
Classy and Cool cats get the esteemed privilege of performing for and with all the other middle school choirs in Shawnee Mission! The days prior to this concert we will have a special guest clinician to come work with Classy and Cool cats. Then the night of the concert students will arrive early for a combined finale rehearsal. We also get to show off our stuff and perform our own Trailridge only choir songs!
This event is only for Classy and Cool Cats (Wildcat Choir is not a part of this event).
Middle School Solo & Ensemble Festival
February 10th
Indian Woods Middle School
Individual Students who prepare a solo with a voice teacher may participate. Each student will perform two solo pieces to receive comments from judges. Judges will also act as a clinician, working with students to improve their work.
This is not a required event, students who wish to participate must be approved by Ms. Z.
Trailridge Pops Concert
May 15th
Call TIme: 5:30
Doors Open: 6:50
Performance 7PM
Trailridge MS
This is our annual Pops concert held in Trailridge's auxiliary gym stage. Unlike our other annual concerts this one is full of popular music! Some songs may even have choreography.
All choirs perform, this is a required event.
Talent Show
(Unsure if this event is coming back after covid)
This event has not been revisited since covid. We are not planning on hosting a talent show as of now.